Therefore, it has been suggested that CBD may indirectly enhance anti-inflammatory effects. Concurrent incubation of CBD with the TRPA1 antagonist A967079, but not with the TRPV1 antagonist capsazepine, reduced the effects of CBD on calcium and PoPO3 absorption. While CBD is a promising option for pain relief, research has yet to prove that it's safe and effective, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved CBD for treating pain. The side effects of CBD in humans include diarrhea and fatigue and, more importantly, CBD interacts with other drugs, as it is metabolized by CYP enzymes in the liver, which inhibits the degradation of other therapeutic compounds14,15. Keep reading to learn what preliminary research suggests about the potential effects of CBD on inflammation, as well as its available forms (such as gummies and CBD oils) and ways to use it to treat inflammation. Therefore, we evaluated whether CBD influences the proliferation of RASF in a medium containing FCS, since in vivo, CBD binds to serum albumin, reducing its free concentration available for binding to the receptor24,41. In a four-week trial that evaluated the efficacy of topical CBD oil for treating pain, participants experienced a significant reduction in severe and acute pain after using a treatment containing 250 milligrams of CBD Xu DH, Cullen BD, Tang M, Fang Y.
In addition, CBD could also act in synergy with anti-rheumatic drugs such as methotrexate or JAK inhibitors, since CBD has been reported to act in synergy with e.