The Best Way to Store Pollen

Learn how to store pollen correctly by using a sealed glass jar with a desiccant and storing it in the freezer.

The Best Way to Store Pollen

Preserving pollen is an important step in ensuring its longevity and potency. To store pollen correctly, it must be kept dry and cold. The best way to do this is to place it in a sealed glass jar with a desiccant, such as calcium chloride or silica gel. Silica gel can be found in many nurseries and hobby stores, and the Tell-Tale model has dark blue crystals that turn pink as they absorb moisture.

Once the pollen is placed in the jar, it should be stored in the freezer. This will help to keep it dry and prevent any moisture from entering the jar. It is important to check the jar periodically to make sure that the desiccant is still working properly. If it has turned pink, it needs to be replaced with a new one.

When storing pollen, it is also important to label the jar with the date of collection and the type of pollen. This will help you keep track of when it was collected and what type of pollen it is. It is also important to keep the jar away from any sources of heat or light, as this can cause the pollen to degrade over time. Storing pollen correctly is essential for preserving its potency and ensuring its longevity.

By using a sealed glass jar with a desiccant, such as calcium chloride or silica gel, and storing it in the freezer, you can ensure that your pollen will remain viable for a long time.

Cooper Lavoie
Cooper Lavoie

Wannabe tv evangelist. Avid tv junkie. Infuriatingly humble beer guru. Amateur zombie guru. Hardcore tea nerd.